Welcome to Gobo's World!
As a first post I guess the right thing to do would be an introduction, so here goes.
My name is Fredrik Somerville and I live in Norway. I'm a 35 year old guy living with my fiance and our two children and a mostly absent cat.
I have several passions in my life, and one of the strongest is gaming. I love computer games, board games and roleplaying games. I've even been a LARPer at a previous stage of my life.
But I also love to draw. I started drawing in earnest last year during the summer vacation and I've kept it up since. I love to look through old sketches and see how much my techniques have changed and improved.
For a glimpse of my past work, check out my horribly un-updated blog Unsketchionable Lines.
Online I'm mostly known through the nicks Gobo, Gormash and Mashiem, hence the name of this site.
I follow several webcomics online and will throughout this blog give you links to the ones I feel are worth looking at. I'll also add small snippets of info about the tools I use and how I do the things I do, both just to help out and to have something to write.
I'll start off with a comic I drew a few months ago, based on World of Warcraft. I've been a WOW player for about 4 years now and play regularly with both my fiance and a few close friends, running a small and casual scandinavian guild together.
At the moment I'm drawing a new comic based on a different game. I'll probably have it done in just a few days. Until then, may luck and fortune be your friends.